Przedstawiciele projektu Concise są obecni na wielu konferencjach i wydarzeniach, szczegóły znajdują się na poniższej liście. Wydarzenia te są zawsze świetną okazją do dyskusji o naszych publikacjach, rezultatach, lub po prostu do swobodnej rozmowy na wiele związanych z nimi tematów.

Z powodu pandemii COVID-19, wiele z zaplanowanych na najbliższe miesiące konferencji zostaje odwołanych lub przełożonych. Aby uzyskać więcej szczegółów, zalecamy zapoznanie się z oficjalnymi stronami każdej konferencji.

Rok 2021

KONFERENCJA GDZIE? KIEDY? WKŁAD CONCISE\ Hawaii, USA January 4, 2021 Izabela Warwas, Aneta Krzewińska, Małgorzata Dzimińska (ULODZ), The Frequency of Using Websites and Social Media by Various Age Groups to Form Opinions about Scientific Topics: Findings from the European Context.
Proceedings HICSS-54 approved
Portuguese Sociological Conference Lisbon, Portugal 29-31 March 2021 Accepted manuscript:
Atitudes e perceções dos cidadãos face à ciência e tecnologia: entendimentos e ambivalências
Public Communication of Science and Technology Conference 2020+1 Aberdeen, Scotland 25–27 May 2021 Accepted Roundtable:

Public Communication of Science: trust and credibility in the eyes of the public. The results of the international CONCISE project regarding channels and sources of communication

8th STS Italia Conference Trieste, Italy 17-19 June 2021  
15th European Sociological Association Conference Barcelona, Spain 31 Aug- 3 Sept. 2021  

Rok 2020

Conference Where? When? CONCISE contribution
CONCISE online workshop Online 21 January 2020 Carolina Llorente (UPF)

Hurdles and incentives to engage in science communication

Discurso Político y Periodismo Valencia 7 February 2020 Carolina Moreno (UVEG)

¿Cómo percibe la ciudadanía el discurso político sobre ciencia?

INTERNATIONAL SEMINAR ON ENVIRONMENT AND SOCIETY Current challenges and pathways to change


Lisbon, Portugal 2-3 March 2020 Jussara Rowland (ICS)

Communicating the science of climate change: channels, sources and trust

EGU General Assembly 2020 Online 3-8 May 2020 Andrea Rubin (OBSERVA)

Role of Science Communication in beliefs, perceptions and knowledge of science and technology issues among European citizens.

SciCom PT 2020 (online) Azores 7 May to 18 June 2020 João Estevens (ICS)

CONCISE – Perceções coletivas sobre comunicação de ciência

VII Congreso Internacional AE-IC Valencia, Spain 29–30 October 2020 Isabel Mendoza (UVEG) Accepted abstract

Estudiar cómo se percibe la comunicación de la ciencia desde un enfoque cualitativo inclusivo

EASST/4S 2020 CONFERENCE Online 18-21 August Ana Delicado (ICS)
What Does The Public Expect From Science Communication? Explorations Based On A Participatory Methodology

Jussara Rowland (ICS)
The Plataformisation of Scientific Knowledge: Affects and Effects on Publics Strategies and Perceptions

João Estevens (ICS)
Science as a gatekeeper for trust and collective responsibility in the post-truth era

Euroscience Open Forum 2020 Trieste, Italy 2-6 September Ana Delicado (ICS), Roundtable “Rethinking Science Communication: Science Stories in Perspective”, Organiser: Christine Heller del Riego, Science Stories and EuroScience Governing Board.
VII Congreso Internacional AE-IC Valencia, Spain 29–30 October 2020

Aging & Social Change: Tenth Interdisciplinary Conference

Vancouver, Canada 24-25 September 2020 Izabela Warwas (ULODZ), Vaccination Vs. Healthy Ageing: The Role Of Scientific Knowledge Channels in The Increasingly Positive Preferences For Vaccines Among Elderly People
Ogólnopolska konferencja Wiedza w akademii i poza akademią [National conference Knowledge at the academy and outside the academy] Lublin, Poland October 9-10, 2020 Jak usprawnić komunikację na tematy naukowe? Wyniki badań, wnioski i rekomendacje z konsultacji społecznych w Polsce [How to improve communication on scientific topics? Research results, conclusions and recommendations from public consultations in Poland], Aneta Krzewińska, Izabela Warwas, Małgorzata Dzimińska
Congreso Mediaflows-UIMP Valencia

Democracias frágiles: polarización, populismo y desinformación en un contexto mediático híbrido

Valencia, Spain November 11-13, 2020. Roundtable ”Communication role on perception and beliefs of EU Citizens about Science”, moderated by Carolina Moreno-Castro (UVEG).

Peter Guráň (TRNAVA)
Institutional trust and science communication – findings from the Slovak public consultation

Isabel Mendoza (UVEG)
The lack of science information was the central claim of CONCISE public consultation in Spain

Ana Delicado (ICS)
The Role of the Public Debate in public perceptions about science information: Climate Change and GMO in Portugal

Małgorzata Dzimińska (ULODZ)
Communicating science by academia – findings from the public consultation in Poland

Edurne Gaston (AECC)
Recruiting participants for the CONCISE public consultations – a five-country case

XIII International Scientific Conference MASEP 2020, Measurement and Assessment of Social and Economic Phenomena MASEP,

Łódź, Poland 21-23.10.2020 Justyna Wiktorowicz, Izabela Warwas (ULODZ) TRUST and TRUSTWORTHINESS within science. Polish citizens perspective

Rok 2019

Conference Where? When? CONCISE contribution
Euroscitizen Porto Meeting Porto, Portugal 13 February 2019 Participation in group discussions
European Sociological Association Conference 2019 Manchester, UK 20-23 August 2019 Ana Delicado (ICS)

Seeing is Believing: Citizen’s Engagement with the Science of Climate Change

Ciencia en Redes 2019 Barcelona, Spain 15 March 2019 Edurne Gaston (AECC)

Cómo vamos a contar CONCISE

PUS Seminar London 1 May 2019 Carolina Moreno (UVEG)

How do citizens build their thoughts related to scientific issues in contemporary life?



Madrid 6 May 2019 Carolina Moreno (UVEG)

Participación ciudadana en ciencia y tecnología. De la teoría a la acción

Campus Gutenberg-CosmoCaixa de la Ciencia y la Cultura Científicas 2019 Barcelona, Spain 16-17 September 2019 Carolina Llorente (UPF)

Proyecto CONCISE: Barreras e incentivos para comunicar ciencia

Congreso de Comunicación Social de la Ciencia 2019 Burgos, Spain 9-11 October 2019 Edurne Gaston (AECC)

Cómo comunicar sobre temas científicos polémicos sin condicionar una investigación social

Jornadas de divulgación Innovadora D+1 2019 Zaragoza, Spain 29-30 November 2019 Carolina Moreno-Castro (UVEG) & Edurne Gaston (AECC)
¿Cómo se construyen las opiniones y creencias relacionadas con temas científicos?
ScicomPT 2019 Aveiro, Portugal 30-31 May 2019 1) Edurne Gaston (AECC)

La difícil tarea de comunicar sin tomar partido

2) Ana Delicado (ICS)

CONCISE Papel da comunicação na perceção e crenças dos cidadãos europeus sobre ciência

European Researchers Night 2019 Lisbon, Portugal 27 September 2019 Leaflet distribution
17th Polish Sociological Congress Wrocław, Poland 11-14 September 2019 Aneta Krzewińska (ULODZ)
Naukowiec wiedza odbiorca czy producent

produkt użytkownik?Scientist-knowledge-recipient or product-producer-user?

15th European Ecological Federation (EEF) Congress Embedding Ecology in Sustainable Development Goals. Lisbon 29 July-2 August 2019 Ana Delicado (ICS)

Debating the science communication of climate change and GMO

Cultura científica y tecnológica en la sociedad digital Oviedo 30-31 October 2019 Empar Vengut (UVEG)

¿Cómo se construyen las opiniones y creencias relacionadas con temas científicos?

International conference „Česko-slovenské sociologické dni“


Slovakia 21. – 22. November 2019 Peter Guráň & Martin Fero (TRNAVA)

Leaflet Distrubution + Formal/informal sharing of the experience from CONCISE project among the Slovak sociological society

Media literacy in a media-rich ecology Lisbon 4 December 2019 João Estevens (ICS)

Digital Science: Citizens’ Perceptions of Science in Portugal

Polibienestar Seminar Valencia 4 December 2019 Carolina Moreno (UVEG)

¿Cómo construye la ciudadanía sus opiniones y creencias sobre temas científicos?