Universitat de València
The Universitat de València was founded in 1499 and, initially, was dedicated to the study of medicine, humanities, theology and law. Nowadays, it is a modern European university covering almost every branch of knowledge. Given the wide range of studies available, as well as its humanistic dimension, it is now one of the largest, oldest and most diverse universities in Spain.
The university has 45,800 undergraduate and 8,600 postgraduate students. On its three campuses (Blasco Ibañez, Burjassot-Paterna and Els Tarongers), there are over 3,300 teachers and researchers in 90 departments, 17 institutes and other research units, assisted in their work by over 1,700 administration and service staff. Its libraries house approximately 1.5 million books, are subscribed to more than 26,000 journals and provide 4,300 reading places for almost 60,000 users. Along with the human resources, the size and cutting-edge equipment of its facilities guarantee the quality of a vast scientific and technological offering at the service of society.
The Universitat de València has experience in the development and management of more than 150 European projects in the following frameworks: the RTD European (I-VII) Framework Programmes, HORIZON 2020, Lifelong Learning Programme (Erasmus, Socrates, Leonardo) and Erasmus+, acting both as a co-ordinator and partner institution.
The research areas of the UVEG ScienceFlows team are focused on the public comprehension of science, its social perception, dissemination, history and contemporary culture related. Its responsibilities in CONCISE are the following:
- Project Coordinator and WP5/WP6 leader.
- Leader of the Communication and dissemination activities targeted at the S&T community (research institutions, universities, scientific societies)
- The UVEG will participate actively in the preparation, analysis and development of all public consultations.
Website: www.scienceflows.com

Observa Science in Society
Observa Science in Society is a non-profit, independent, legally recognized research centre promoting the study and discussion of the interaction among science, technology and society, with the aim of stimulating dialogue among researchers, policy makers and citizens.
Observa’s activities are supervised by an international and interdisciplinary scientific committee.
Activities focus on three main areas: Science Communication; Research and Innovation Policy; Science, Citizens and Technology.
Observa belongs to the main international networks actively engaged with science in society issues, including ESCoNet (European Science Communicators Training Network), Science and the City, MACOSPOL (Mapping Controversies On Science for POLitics) and the network of institutions coordinated by the London School of Economics and Political Science which monitors global trends in public perception and media coverage of science and technology.
Website: www.observa.it

Trnava University
Trnava University is a modern university with a long tradition and great heritage. The University of Trnava founded in the 17th century offered education to students of many nations and played an important role in the history of Central Europe, thus contributing significantly to the development of European education and culture. Trnava was the first town in the territory of today’s Slovakia to be granted privileges of the free royal town in 1238 by the Hungarian King Belo IV. The 142 years of the existence of the first comprehensive University in the multi ethnic Kingdom of Hungary represented a gold chapter in the town’s history.
The University of Trnava re-opend its activity in Trnava in 1992. It is a public university with five faculties. The Faculty of Philosophy and Arts was one of the founding faculties of today’s University. Since its establishment, the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts has developed into a well-know scientific and educational institution where tradition and new approaches are combined. The primary mission of the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts consisting of nine departments is to provide university education in philosophical, humanistic and social sciences and arts. The objective of faculty is to prepare specialists in classical archaeology, classical languages, cognitive studies, ethics, history, history of arts and culture, philosophy, political science, psychology and sociology. The University degree system consists of Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree and Doctoral Degree (PhD.) study programmes. The University of Trnava actively participates in the Bologna Process and the Faculty of Philosophy cooperates with institutions from all parts of the world.
Website: ff.truni.sk

Instalofi Levante S.L. (FyG Consultores) is a Spanish private, high-level training enterprise, pioneers in co-creation with companies, adults and young people in the training on innovative concepts, business creation, employability, basic skills, literacy and numeracy skills, entrepreneurship and soft and hard skills training.
FyG is specialized in business development and innovative solutions related, among others, with the provision of training courses to SME’s, entrepreneurs and Start-Ups. Founded in 2001, FyG counts with international presence, helping companies to define strategies that allow them to grow in foreign markets. FyG also acts actively as an education and training company promoting and enhancing the development of adults and disadvantaged groups.
In recent years, FyG has developed and implemented a number of European international cooperation projects with Erasmus+ and COSME programme, dealing with enterprise creation and development, employability, management, Start Ups training, internationalization, Gamification and Innovation of the Entrepreneurial Training. Today, FYG collaborates together with a wide range of economic actors, both public and private.
Website: www.fygconsultores.com

Danmar Computers
Danmar Computers LLC is a private company operating in the field of Information Technology and providing vocational training in this field. Danmar has an extensive experience in developing modern Web and mobile applications that are used for educational purposes. Danmar also has long-term experience of carrying out European projects within which company’s R&D staff conducts research and prepares trainings tailored to the needs of various learners. During 15 years, Danmar has successfully implemented over 50 projects within Grundtvig, Leonardo da Vinci, Progress and recently Erasmus+.
In many of these projects Danmar was responsible for designing and coordinating dissemination strategies. Danmar Computers is the developer and provider of AdminProject (adminproject.eu), the on-line system for management of European projects. All activities of the company are based on wide and well-established cooperation network, both on national and international levels. The national networks include training and counselling institutions, universities, schools, non-governmental organisations as well as private sector companies. International network include partners of various profiles coming from every European Union’s country. Danmar Computer’s mission is the promotion of life-long education and assurance of equal access to education for everyone with the use of modern technology.
Website: www.danmar-computers.com.pl

The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon
The Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS) is a multidisciplinary university institution that produces scientific knowledge on contemporary societies. ICS’s three main areas of activity are:
- Research, published in nationally and internationally renowned journals and books and disseminated in networks and scientific meetings;
- Postgraduate programmes, closely connected to research lines, projects underway and international cooperation networks;
- Outreach, in particular through the Observatories on Portuguese Society and research which affects public policy, as well as commissioned studies from private and public bodies. It also undertakes activities of disseminations of scientific knowledge to non-academic audiences.
These activities result from the collaboration between researchers of different disciplinary areas (Social and Cultural Anthropology, Economics, History, Human Geography, Political Science, Social Psychology, and Sociology), organized into 7 Research Groups: Empires, Colonialism & Post-Colonial Societies; Environment, Territory and Society; Identities, Cultures, Vulnerabilities; Life course, Inequality & Solidarity: Practices and Policies; Power, Society & Globalization; Regimes & Political Institutions; Socio-Political Attitudes & Behaviours.
Website: www.ics.ulisboa.pt

Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica
Asociación Española de Comunicación Científica (AECC) is the Spanish Association of Science Communication. AECC promotes journalism and scientific communication in Spain, Europe and Latin America and it brings together >400 Spanish journalists and communicators from the fields of science, technology, health and environment.
Some of AECC’s objectives are:
- To promote the presence of scientific information in the media.
- To encourage the recycling of journalists and communicators.
- To ensure the independence and objectivity of information content and freedom of expression.
- To facilitate dialogue and relationships with information sources.
- To represent its members in front of public bodies and private entities.
AECC’s activities focus on the organisation of seminars, workshops, colloquia, courses and meetings between journalists and scientists, with a dual purpose: to discuss current scientific topics that can be used by journalists and communicators, and to establish personal and friendly links between them and the scientists, in order to achieve a fruitful collaboration for the science and for the society.
AECC belongs to the European Union of Science Journalists’ Associations (EUSJA) and the World Federation of Science Journalists (WFSJ).
Website: www.aecomunicacioncientifica.org

University of Łódź, Faculty of Economics and Sociology
University of Łódź (UŁ) was established in 1945 and has over 32 000 students and 2 200 academic staff. It is placed in Łódź, which is the third largest city in Poland in terms of population – ca. 700 000 inhabitants. There are 12 faculties at the University of Łódź covering 80 fields of studies. Courses are taught in Polish, English and French, also at the doctoral and postgraduate levels. Currently, the university is conducting more than 360 research projects, funded by the European Commission, National Science Centre, National Centre for Research and Development, Ministry of Science and Higher Education, etc. The University is included in QS Word University Rankings and the European Commission awarded UŁ the HR Excellence in Research logo. The University has a strong international cooperation (161 ERASMUS+ agreements in 23 countries and 97 international agreements of cooperation with institutions of higher education). It is a member of: European University Association (EUA), Alliance of Universities for Democracy (AUDEM), INTER-University Dubrovnik, Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP), COPERNICUS-CAMPUS University Alliance for Sustainability. UŁ participates also in numerous project-based European universities’ networks.
The Faculty of Economics and Sociology was established in 1965 and is the biggest at the University of Łódź with over 6 000 students and about 400 academic teachers. Research and didactic work is conducted within eight institutes in such areas as: Applied Economics and Informatics, Econometrics, Economics, Finance, International Economics, Sociology, Spatial Economics, Statistics and Demography. The Faculty’s staff successfully manages international grants and research projects and cooperates with over 50 universities from Europe, North and South Americas and Asia. It is a highly internationalised Faculty with the abundance of foreign students, visiting scholars and international projects and scientific initiatives.
In the H2020 CONCISE project the Lodz team will conduct public consultations in Poland, lead the preparation and organization of public consultations in four other countries (Italy, Spain, Slovakia and Portugal) and actively participate in research, publication and dissemination activities.
Website: www.eksoc.uni.lodz.pl

Studies Centre on Science, Communication and Society
Studies Centre on Science, Communication and Society (SCS-UPF): is a studies centre of the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences of Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF). It aims at bringing closer together society and science by fostering the scientific knowledge and culture, working for a better alignment between R+D+I and society’s needs and values.
Main actions:
- Science communication and citizen participation: science communication activities, outreach and public engagement, science dissemination, institutional communication, crisis communication and science museology, among others
- Analysis: study of science and society relationships, social perception of science, evaluation, impact assessment, indicator selection, etc.
- Training: specialized formative programs in the field of science communication