Policy Briefs

European Policy Brief (English and Spanish versions, Handle.net EN | Handle.net ES)

National Policy Brief – PORTUGAL (in Portuguese)
National Policy Brief – ITALY (in Italian)
National Policy Brief – POLAND (in Polish)
National Policy Brief – SPAIN (in Spanish) | Handle.net
National Policy Brief – SLOVAKIA (in Slovak)



Moreno-Castro, C., Dzimińska, M., Krzewińska, A., Warwas, I., & Serra-Perales, A. (2022).

Citizens‘ Political Discourses on Climate Change and Vaccines: A Comparative Study Between Spain and Poland. In D. Palau-Sampio, G. López García, & L. Iannelli (Ed.), Contemporary Politics, Communication, and the Impact on Democracy (pp. 329-351).

Copyright IGI Global. https://www.igi-global.com/book/contemporary-politics-communication-impact-democracy/267380.
Posted with permission.

CONCISE’s Public Consultations – PDF version | EPUB version – for e-readers | Handle.net link |

Moreno-Castro, Carolina; Mendoza-Poudereux, Isabel & Vengut-Climent, Empar (Coords.) (2020).
This book describes how each one of the CONCISE public consultations was carried out in the different countries (Italy, Poland, Slovakia, Spain and Portugal), as well as providing data on the pilot consultation held in Barcelona, six months prior to the main consultations.


Conference Proceedings

Warwas et al. (2021) The Frequency of Using Websites and Social Media by Various Age Groups to Form Opinions about Scientific Topics: Findings from the European Context. Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

Moreno-Castro (2020). ¿Mejoran los softwares la calidad de los resultados de la investigación en comunicación? El caso de estudio del proyecto europeo H2020 CONCISE. Proceedings of the VII Congreso Internacional de la AE-IC.


Scientific articles

Kupper, F., Moreno-Castro, C., & Fornetti, A. (2021).
Rethinking science communication in a changing landscape.
Journal of Science Communication, 20(3), E.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/2.20030501

PDF download

Rowland, J.; Estevens, J.; Krzewińska, A.; Waswas, I and Delicado, A (2022).
Trust and Mistrust in Sources of Scientific Information on Climate Change and Vaccines.
Science and & Education (2022).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11191-021-00304-0

Roche, J.; Arias, R.; Bell, L.; Boscolo, M.; Fornetti, A.; Knutas, A.; Kupper, F.; Magalhães, J.; Mannino, I.; Mendoza, I.; Moreno-Castro, C.; Murphy, K.; Pridmore, J.; Smyth, F.; Tola, E.; Tulin, M.; Weitkamp, E.; Wolff, A. (2021).
Taking stock and re-examining the role of science communication.
Frontiers in Environmental, 9:734081.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2021.734081

Delicado, A; Rowland, J; Vengut-Climent, E;  Mendoza-Poudereux, I; Gaston, E (2021)
Citizen consultations on science communication: A citizen science approach.
Mètode Science Studies Journal, 12.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.7203/metode.12.17510

Dziminska,M. I. Mendoza-Poudereux, J. Rowland, G. Pellegrini (2021)
Climate change and public perception. Citizens’ proposals for better communication and involvement.
The Journal of Science Communications, 20(03), A09.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/2.20030209  

Delicado, A., Rowland, J. and Estevens, J. (2021)
Bringing back the debate on mediated and unmediated science communication: the public’s perspective.
The Journal of Science Communications, 20(03), A10.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/2.20030210

Brondi S., Pellegrini, G., Guran, P., Fero, M. and Rubin, A. (2021)
Dimensions of trust in different forms of science communication: The role of information sources and channels used to acquire science knowledge”
The Journal of Science Communications, 20(03), A08,
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/2.20030208

Dziminska, M. (2020)
Universities as promoters of intergenerational learning: a case study on public consultation.
Human Resources Management, 2 (133), 105-118.
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0014.0738